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Posts by Mandy Hwang

  1. Section 1557:Saved by the Final Rules

    The 2024 ACA Section 1557 updates enhance language access services for LEP patients, focusing on professional human interpreters for accurate and culturally sensitive healthcare communication.

  2. a young professional shaking the hand of another person

    Language World Empowers AAPI-Owned Businesses

    Featured Partner Spotlight from the California Asian Pacific Chamber of Commerce (CalAsian Chamber)

  3. The Importance of Language Access During Elections: How You Can Help Non-English Speakers Vote

    Learn how language access impacts voter participation in the 2024 elections. Find resources and actionable tips to help non-English speakers navigate the voting process and make their voices heard.

  4. Five employees posing for a group photo in the workplace

    It’s a Win, Win, Win with Human Interpreters

    Human interpreters are crucial in healthcare, enhancing patient outcomes, reducing provider stress, and supporting diverse talent. Discover why replacing them with AI might have hidden costs.

  5. Minority Mental Health Awareness Month: Bridging Gaps with Language Access

    Language World advocates for inclusive mental health care during Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. We aim to empower minority communities with culturally competent care, ensuring that every individual can access essential mental health services in their preferred language.

  6. Understanding the Limitations of AI in Language Services

    Explore the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in language services, understanding its limitations and the delicate balance required between AI efficiency and indispensable human expertise.

  7. A Guide to Successful Interpreting Encounters

    Interpreters play a crucial role in breaking down language barriers and facilitating effective communication in a variety of settings. Whether you’re a seasoned interpreter or someone seeking the services of an interpreter, understanding the dynamics of interpretation can significantly enhance the overall experience.

  8. Celebrating National Learn a Foreign Language Month

    December is National Learn a Foreign Language Month, encouraging individuals to embrace the advantages of language learning, facilitating cultural appreciation, cognitive enrichment, and personal and professional development.

  9. 2023 Medium Business of the Year

    Voted 2023 Medium Business of the Year at Rancho Cordova Chamber of Commerce’s 60th Anniversary Gala!

  10. Language World: Sacramento’s Best Places to Work 2023

    Language World was recognized as one of Sacramento Region’s Best Places to Work in 2023 by the Sacramento Business Journal.