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Interpreting Solutions

Document Solutions

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Thank you for choosing Language World as your trusted language partner.
Ready to request? Let’s get started below!  Don’t have a plan in place? Explore our plan offerings here!

On-site Interpreting Icon

Pre-Scheduled Interpreting: On-Site, Video & Phone

  • Login to our online portal here.

Note: For video conferencing, you will need to provide your own link (Zoom, Teams, WebEx, etc.)

Translation Services Icon

Document Translations 

  • Submit a project request through our online portal here.
    1. Select Translation Service(s)
    2. Select Language(s)
    3. Upload Content
  • Or email your document(s), deadline and any specific instructions to
Video Interpreting Icon

On-Demand Interpreting: Video & Phone .

  • Login to our online portal here or by downloading our app via smartphone or tablet (iOS and Android).
  • Or call your assigned phone number, enter your assigned access code, then speak or press your language preference.

Watch and learn how to connect with an on-demand interpreter via our app here.

For additional assistance, contact us at 916-333-5247 Option 2 or

Staffing Services Icon

Bilingual Staffing

Contact us at 916-333-5340 or

Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers. Click below to expand a question to view the answer.
Have another? Find our contact information in the footer below.

Language access refers to providing services, information, and resources in multiple languages, enabling individuals who are not proficient in English to fully engage.

Interpretation is the spoken rendering of one language to another, while translation is the written conversion of one language to another.

Hiring a language professional ensures accurate and culturally responsive results to communicate effectively with clients, partners and employees. Professional linguists can also help identify the nuances of diverse cultures and languages to adapt messaging and branding accordingly.

Navigate the process of hiring and working with a language professional with the guides below:

Guide to Interpreting

Guide to Translation

  • NEP: Non-English Proficient
  • LEP: Limited English Proficient

A source language is the language that is being rendered or converted into another language, known as the target language.

Consecutive Interpreting involves relaying converted (interpreted) messages in a sequential manner after a speaker has paused or has completed a thought.

Simultaneous Interpreting involves converting a speaker’s message into another language while the speaker continues to speak. This type of interpreting is commonly used in conference and classroom settings.

A “qualified interpreter” has been found to be capable of performing interpreting, whereas a “certified interpreter” has proven their capability with demonstrated proficiency.

The term “certified interpreter” generally means that an interpreter is skilled in the three modes of interpretation — consecutive, simultaneous and sight translation — and has been tested. In California, state certification is currently only available for legal interpreting. At present, there are two non-profit organizations that can certify healthcare interpreters in a limited number of languages: the Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters (CCHI), and the National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters (NBCMI). 75% of all Language World Interpreters are certified.

Language World interpreters initially receive 15 hours of training and are then required to complete a 6-hour mentorship and 8 hours of annual continuing education.

Language access solutions are broadly addressed at the federal level. Under Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, state, local or regional entities receiving federal funds may not discriminate based on race, color or national origin. In 2000, President Bill Clinton signed Executive Order 13166, which extends “meaningful” language access requirements of Title VI to federal agencies and federally funded programs and solutions.

Language access solutions are also regulated at the state level. California—with its diverse population needs—is the nation’s leader in legislating language access. In 2009, Senate Bill 853 became law, stipulating that all medical, dental and specialty insurers must provide no-cost translation and interpreting solutions to their NEP/LEP enrollees that meet the requirement for threshold languages. The formula for determining these threshold languages is based upon enrollees’ demographics that trigger the mandatory translation of vital documents and provisioning of spoken language interpreting solutions either remotely or on-site. With regard to interpreting, an interpreter must be made available in a timely manner to render spoken language assistance. For those recipients who require American Sign Language (ASL) interpreting, a different set of regulations codified by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), ensures timely, high quality, no-cost access for ASL interpreting solutions. In both cases, it is the responsibility of the health plan to ensure that they are using competent language professionals. The California Department of Managed Health care is tasked with providing oversight and regulation of this law.

Language World employee interpreters follow all CDC Guidelines and recommendations and use PPE, including N-95 masks and face-shields as required. In addition, any interpreter who assists COVID-19 patients must be provided will the same protective gear as donned by their healthcare team. All on-site interpreters are fully vaccinated and boosted.

Our subscription plans —Paygo, Essentials & Premier— offer on-demand interpreting and are billed month-to-month via credit card. Enterprise Plans are contracted with negotiated rates and include on-demand and pre-scheduled interpreting plus translation services.

See minimal requirements here.

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) became a law on April 12th 2001. HIPAA regulations are designed to improve efficiency and effectiveness through the use of electronic healthcare transactions, dramatically reducing data collection and paperwork burdens, avoiding costly healthcare errors and protecting confidential patient information.

Traditionally, individual healthcare organizations wishing to ensure patient data privacy had to rely on inconsistent state laws and regulations that were both incomplete and contradictory. Personal health information was often distributed without notice or consent and for reasons that had nothing to do with a patient’s medical treatment or healthcare reimbursement. Under HIPAA, healthcare organizations have to guarantee their patients that private information collected, maintained, used or transmitted will remain entirely confidential in order to administer plans and provide services.

HIPAA requires the healthcare industry to protect the privacy of patient records and promotes a uniform security standard for the electronic transmission of patient-identifiable information. Existing systems used to store and access electronic data will have to be re-evaluated. If they lack the capacity for adequate access control or auditing, they will need to be enhanced or replaced.

HIPAA applies to almost all healthcare industry segments involved in the electronic transmission of health information containing content that could compromise patient confidentiality.

HIPAA mandates cover a broad range of organizations:

  • All health plans, including government and military health programs, Managed Care Organizations, indemnity insurers and employer-sponsored benefit plans.
  • Healthcare providers
  • Healthcare services and suppliers
  • Healthcare clearinghouses—companies who process medical and dental transactions.
  • All healthcare business associates, such as accountants and practice management consultants.

Client Support Materials

Healthcare Organization Resources: 

Legislative Resources:

Title VI Statute of the Civil Rights Act

Title 28, California Code of Regulations: Language Assistance Programs

Information for Limited English Proficient (LEP) Parents & Guardians and
for Schools & School Districts that Communicate with Them


Standards For Determining Threshold Languages, Nondiscrimination Requirements and Language Assistance Services

National Standards on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS)


The Economic Impact of Language Services in Healthcare (Whitepaper)

Public Service Announcement

Watch our award-winning public service announcement (PSA) co-created by sister-company and technology provider, Fluency, Inc. This PSA can be private-labeled for your organization to be included in cultural competency training programs.

Language World Learns

Language World has developed a catalog of web-based educational materials for our new and existing workforce.

About Language World Learns

Language World Learns houses original content developed exclusively by our Quality Assurance and Mentor Interpreter Teams. Users can select tailor-made training in specific categories to improve skills in simultaneous interpreting, standards and protocols, medical terminology, specialized medical scenarios, and more. Many of our online educational modules have been accredited by CCHI, and count toward annual CEU requirements.